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I have done 2 Minor projects and 1 Major project during my engineering. Every project comes up with new tasks and challenges. I learnt new concepts and technologies while working on these projects.

Multi-Level Car Parking System


  • We propose an efficient solution for daily parking problems in cities and in the urban areas to reduce traffic congestion and save money, time and fuel.

  • A license plate recognition system is built using OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) technology and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine.

  • After the recognition of license plate, next task is to detect an empty slot for the vehicle. YOLO (You Only Look Once) is used for the detection of empty slot.

  • Technologies used:- Python; Machine Learning Libraries like openCV, tesseract, pandas, PyTorch, CUDA, numpy; Deep Learning Algorithms like YOLO.


Stock Market Prediction


  • Our aim is to build a system which will accurately predict the future financial outcome (stock price) of a company.

  • Implemented Linear Regression and LSTM on Stock Market Price Dataset from kaggle.

  • Used Sentiment Analysis on the News Dataset and implemented SVM to predict whether the price will go up or down.

  • Technologies used:- Python; Machine Learning Libraries like numpy, pandas, tensorflow, matplotlib, sklearn; Machine Learning Algorithms like Long Short Term Memory, Linear Regression, Support Vector Machine.


Autonomous Tagging of StackOverflow Questions


  • We propose a multi-label classification system that automatically tags the questions of the user and enhances the experience on the websites like Stackoverflow, Quora.

  • Data is preprocessed and divided according to the most common tags (top 10).

  • Implemented Random Forest and Support Vector Machine algorithm on the Stack Overflow Dataset.

  • Evaluation metrics used were Precision, Recall and F1 Score.

  • Technologies used:- Python; Machine Learning Libraries like pandas, nltk, sklearn, matplotlib; Machine Learning Algorithms like Random Forest and Support Vector Machine. 

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